Find out how your school measures up in the minds of students, parents, and community with affordable surveys by LifeTrack Services, Inc. Located in Clarkston, WA, we service schools throughout the country, providing graduate-follow up, senior exit, athletic and Title IX surveys, as well as middle school and school snapshot surveys. Our surveys provide reliable data focusing on your specific requirements, and are user-friendly. We compile the data, so you can spend your time analyzing the results. Use your data to document the success of your school programs and your graduates. Identify improvement strategies, secure grants, and provide tangible documentation of your success to School Boards, PTA, Administrators and Parents. Call 1-800-738-6466  for more information or complete our program order form.

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Our surveys get results and set us apart from other survey programs! We maximize your school survey response rates utilizing every avenue possible, including text, phone, email, USPS, QR codes and online surveys to get you the most accurate and unbiased results. Whether it is Senior Exit Surveys, School Climate Surveys, Parent Surveys, Athletic Surveys, Coach Surveys, or our popular five-year Graduate Follow-up Program, we help you find out how your school measures up in the minds of your students, parents, and community. Choose questions, from our bank of questions, modify them to fit your needs, or formulate your own. Our surveys are secure and accessed via password so that you can rest assured that your data is accurate. ​We tabulate and report your survey data in an easy-to-read format that is ready to use. 


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